Our specialty is tasteful tropical poolscapes, or we can do the traditional look as well.

Poolscape Design is one of the most fun aspects of landscaping as it allows us to accomplish creative things that you just can’t in a traditional landscaping.
For tropical poolscape designs we only use cold hardy palms such as Pindo Palms and Mediterranean Fan Palms. These types of palms grows slowly and make a great eye level impact around the pool area.
We do not use cheap Mexican Fan Palms as they grow very quickly and can end up being taller than your house if the cold doesn’t kill them first. They often turn yellow in the winter and stay that way well into the spring.

In our tropical pool landscaping designs, we mix in flowering Esperanza, Pride of Barbados, Plumbago, and other flowering plants to give the landscape a well balanced look. Our goal is to have a tasteful and well balanced tropical look, and not the gaudy look people often imagine when you mention the use of palms in central Texas. Ready to Get Started?