We are really getting a lot of feedback from customers on how their lawns are looking the best they ever have. We are continuing to add names to our January 2015 Lawn Top Dressing schedule. With top dressing lawns it’s important for maximum results to use top dressing compost that was made in a static pile that was aged and turned for as long as a year. You will get much more biologically rich material when the old school static pile method is used to create the material. Most companies such as ABC or Emerald Lawns use flash composted compost in their top dressing material.
Flash composted material goes into a pile as yard waste and in as little as 30 days it can be sold as compost and put on your lawn. Mother Nature does a great job of keeping bad fungi, bacteria, or other pathogens in check when given time. In our opinion the flash composting process is creating half baked material that is being sold way too quickly. You just can’t get the same quality product from flash composting that you get from the old school static composting process. Our product is custom made by Phil Gosh with Organics By Gosh. Phil really tries to concentrate more on quality and less on trying to rush product out the door as fast as possible.