At Plantscape Solutions in Austin, TX we don’t try to create unrealistic tropical landscapes that need blankets and heaters to survive in the winter months. Mexican Fan Palms, Queen Palms, and other tender palms will not be found in any project we have done. Only cold tolerant palms like Mediterranean Fan Palms, Pindo Palms, Texas Sabals, Florida Sabals, and Windmill Fan Palms will be used in our projects. These palms types did just fine during the 2009-2010 winter when the temps got as low as 8F & 12F back to back days. Sago Palms do fine here but may need to be scalped clean of foliage if they get much foliar discoloration during the winter.
Scalping Sago’s causes them to grow two sets of leaves instead of the normal one. If you scalp a Sago in April it will usually grow all new foliage in just a few weeks and look picture perfect.