Here is a budget friendly Jacuzzi patio landscape & LED landscape Lighting job. Last summer the front yard was given a makeover and it made the home owners really think about what Plantscape Solutions could do to spruce up the back. It’s pretty boring to sit in your Jacuzzi and be surrounded by what I call a lawnscape. Cold hardy Pindo and Mediterranean palms were used. As these palms grow taller and fill out the impact on the patio is going to be really bold but tasteful. These palms are not like the gaudy Mexican Fan Palms that grow really quickly and end up taller then your house if they don’t freeze and die first. The palms used (Meds. & Pindo’s) also do not get winter discoloration like the Mexican Fan Palms.
A mass planting of Plumbago that needs some time to fill out was used. Other plants in the mix are Esperanza, Pride of Barbados, Thryallis, Butterfly Iris, and Star Jasmine. The beds are going to fill up a bunch by later in the summer as the plants get a lot larger. It’s important to be patient and not over plant to make things look good now only to have the beds get out of control six months from now.