It’s getting to be the time of year where St. Augustine lawns can become the food source of Chinch Bugs. Chinch Bugs will only feed on St. Augustine lawns in areas of a landscape that get lots of sunshine. They will not venture into any areas that get any shade at all. Often really hot areas of a lawn such as areas along the curb or driveway will be prone to getting Chinch Bug issues first. There is nothing you can buy as a home owner at places like Home Depot or Lowes that will control Chinch Bugs very well.
Plantscape Solutions (Lic. #611373) uses an application of Allectus in May to control any juvenile Chinch Bugs and then an application of Talstar in July to control adults. Chinch Bugs are very mobile and can move from one yard to another very quickly. The Chinch Bug damage will look like areas of the lawn have become dry and wilted. Chinch Bugs are sucking insects that take nutrients out of the plant and inject a toxin back into their host plant. If you part the lawn back in damaged areas you will usually easy see the insects scurry around. The only exception is Celebration Bermuda grass which can be severely damaged by a very small hard to find population of Chinch Bugs.