It’s amazing the range of colors you get in the naturally occurring stones found in Texas. The main types of stone found here are Limestone, Sandstone, and Leuders. The Limestone and Sandstone are found west of IH-35 up through Jarrel and out to San Saba. All three types of stone are limestone derivatives. The Limestone and Sandstone are at the lower end of the hardness scale and the Leuders is by far the hardest and is found more in the north Texas area west of Dallas. There is an actual town called Leuders Texas. The Leuders is the most expensive of the three stones but wears the least and resists discoloration and molding the best because it’s less porous. Proper sealing can be done with any stone type to help keep algae and mold from turning the stone green, black, or any other unwanted color.
The color of any of these stones types can vary quite a bit. It can even be hard to tell the types of stones apart because the colors can vary so much. People think Limestone is white but it can be tan, gold, brown, and have other variations as well. There are easily 20 different named colors of Limestone.