This is a picture of a lawn we just top dressed. The Zoysia lawn constructed by LandTec and had serious issues. The lawn was constructed with chocolate loam over the top of mostly limestone fill from excavation work that was done on site. The lawn just would not grow and no matter how much you watered it. Wilting would occur in the afternoon on hot days. The problem was the chocolate loam coupled with limestone fill created a mixture that was so low in organic matter that it created a nearly toxic environment. The soil just couldn’t provide enough of a food source to sustain any level of beneficial microbial activity. As a result the lawn could not build and form the type of symbiotic relationship it required to be able to uptake a healthy level of water and nutrients.
In just a few months time there will be an after picture to go with this before picture that shows a lush green lawn. LandTec had tried to top dress the lawn as well with material from another source but it really didn’t make any noticeable difference.