Why pay companies like ABC or Got Lights as much as $4.13 per foot for LED C9 lights when our current discount rate is $3.15 per foot? Plantscape Solutions only uses only the Minleon C9 lights and not the knock offs that don’t tend to have the same level of quality control. We honestly tell my customers to get estimates from other professional companies like ABC or Got Lites for LED work so they can see how much value we offer.
There are still companies selling incandescent lights and people often think they are a bargain but don’t be fooled. A quality LED C9 bulbs retails for about $1.50 while you can find an incandescent for only 22 cents. Our $3.15 price is not even marked up 100% while many places selling incandescent for $2.50 – $3 a foot are marketing up their stuff at least 600%. Unless your paying $1 a foot incandescent is not a bargain.
Besides incandescent being a power hog that often requires multiple cables coming down off the roof incandescent bulbs have poor life spans. Usually by year number two you are starting to lose bulbs here and there. Most companies won’t replace bulbs unless a certain amount are out or multiple in a row are out.
It’s pretty much normal for some bulbs to break when your taking down the fragile glass incandescent bulbs in January. The glass end up in your flower beds where it ends up staying until you find it six months later. The LED bulbs can be thrown off the roof of your house onto your driveway and they won’t break. They will never break and cause problems for you or your kids playing.
If you get an estimate to rent from places like Longhorn (Christmas Decor) do the math looking out three years and my prior Longhorn clients can tell you it gets pretty expensive. Buying will often pay for it’s self by year number two and save you money by year number three. We have customer who are saving over $1000 after about four years by witching to Plantscape Solutions.
Not only do we have better prices but if you compare the quality of our wreaths, garland, and bows it will usually put the pipe cleaner looking stuff others use to shame. If you want really nice material without getting charged more because you live in an upscale neighborhood please give us a call. Compare our material and prices for yourself and you will not be disappointed.
Call David Prew at 512-626-8400 to get your estimate today.